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Pay it forward by donating $50 to the Trans Vocal Exploration Scholarship Fund so that a trans person in financial need can take one of my trans voice e-course for free. You're a star!!

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment (SAVE $33)$297.00
  • Preferred option
    Six-month payment plan6x $55.00

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Mix & Match! Designing Your Nonbinary Voice$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xMix & Match! Designing Your Nonbinary Voice$0

All prices in USD

Mix & match your voice characteristics to create a speaking voice that reflects your unique nonbinary self!

This course includes

  • Lifetime access to the course Mix & Match! Designing Your Nonbinary Voice so you can creatively play with your voice at your own speed.
  • Access to our peer-to-peer private Discord Community so you can find study buddies and connect with other voice practitioners just like you.
  • Digital companion e-books and downloads that will support and enrich your practice.
  • Access to monthly live calls with Renée so that you can benefit from their expert advice and years of voice teaching experience.

100% money-back guarantee

12-week money-back guarantee 

We believe wholeheartedly in Mix & Match! Designing Your Nonbinary Voice. If you decide this program isn't a good fit for you, we will refund your registration payment. We do this because we want to support your success!

"Since coming out as nonbinary, I’ve been increasingly uncomfortable with the sound of my own voice. I have no desire to go on hormones, so my goal was to adjust my voice to sound less feminine. When I found out about Renée I was really excited to take their class. They are incredibly knowledgeable about this subject and have a lot of experience working with trans and nonbinary folks. They gave me hope that I can make small adjustments that will make me more comfortable in my own skin."

